Tuesday, April 13, 2010

La Cochinada!

After a Two plus year of nothing in her, The Jalopy is dead! and La Cochinada is born. She got low to the ground with her new mus-skullz. Took some blood and muscle from my part to get it in, that and some help from my family. Come summer I hope to have "La Cochinada" going down the road. She wont be show ready but she will be rollin.


EAR said...

Wow esa cochinada have me an interesting point of view on rebuilding classic cars and i like it. One day I hope to buy a 1956 Chevy BelAir ..convertible of course!! and red and white leather interior ohh yeaaa...n-e-who pretty cool blog spot say hi to Janet!!

EAR said...

upps gave* me